On January 18, 2025, Miss Janice Yung, IOI(B)3, and Mr. Kelvin Yuen, IOII(C)2, represented the department and conducted a sharing session organized by the Civil Service Bureau at the Education and Careers Expo held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. They made an informative and engaging presentation on the work of the department and the Insolvency Officer Grade which was well-received by the participants.
Invited by HKICPA, Ms Mabel Yuen, Assistant Principal Solicitor (Advisory & Court Work) 1, and Mr Patrick Chan, Chief Insolvency Officer (Compliance and Regulatory) made a presentation on an overview of the Official Receiver’s Office, the outsourcing schemes and our information platform for receiving and storing case information to a delegation from Guiyang Association of Bankruptcy Administrators during their visit to HKICPA. The presentation was well-received by the delegation.
The Regional Restructuring and Insolvency Conference, Hong Kong which was hosted by the International Insolvency Institute, was held on 1 November 2024 at the Asia Society Centre. The Opening Address was delivered by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Christopher Hui, GBS, JP, the text of which can be accessed here:
Our Official Receiver, Ms Phyllis McKenna, (second left on the photo), was pictured with other Panel Members Ms Tiffany Wong, Ms Eva Sit SC, Mr John Marsden and Mr Mat Ng at the Panel session “The Bigger Picture: Hong Kong as an insolvency jurisdiction: where are we now?”
At The Ombudsman’s Awards Presentation Ceremony held on 31 October 2024, Mr Alva Lam, Senior Insolvency Officer (Special Duties), was commended and granted an individual award under the Ombudsman Award for Officers of Public Organisations in recognition of his exceptional skills in conflict resolution, effective communication, and problem-solving. His unwavering commitment to excellence and his ability to address the needs and concerns of our stakeholders had earned him this well-deserved recognition.
From 26 to 27 September 2024, Ms. Ewan Wong, Assistant Principal Solicitor (Legal Services) 2 attended a 2-day forum in Singapore hosted by the Ministry of Law of Singapore, INSOL International and the World Bank Group. The theme of the forum was “Innovating insolvency in a transforming Asia”. The forum explored the various economic, financial and legal challenges faced by the Asian countries, their impact on each country’s insolvency and restructuring regime, and the innovative measures undertaken to mitigate such risk.
The Official Receiver and two Assistant Official Receivers represented Hong Kong at the 2024 International Association of Insolvency Regulators (IAIR) Conference in Washington D.C. from 16 to 19 September 2024. The theme of the conference was "Modernizing Insolvency Practices to Address Future and Present Demands". Held at the premises of the International Monetary Fund, it was the largest IAIR conference to date, attended by 63 delegates from 35 members / organisations. Always a rich exchange of ideas for enhancement of our insolvency services.
From 22 to 24 May 2024, Mr. Wilson Lee, Senior Solicitor (Advisory & Court Work)2 and Miss Kitty SIT, Chief Insolvency Officer (B) attended a 3-day INSOL conference in San Diego, US. Through various world renowned speakers and interactive sessions participated by representatives from all over the world, our colleagues were able to learn not only practices and visions from insolvency practitioners from other jurisdictions and share ours with them, but also application of AI, negotiation and investigative skills in reaching agreements and asset tracing in cross-border level. The conference also included various social activities for participants to share their experiences and develop a longer term connection.
On 18 January 2024, the ORO, as represented by the Official Receiver, Ms. Phyllis McKenna entered into a Cooperation Arrangement with the BAAS, as represented by the Commissioner, Mr. Zhang Jiebo, to enhance cooperation on bankruptcy law matters. The cooperation areas include timely communication and exchanges on bankruptcy law-related issues, and arranging mutual exchanges, studies and seminars. An announcement is available at https://www.oro.gov.hk/eng/announcements/announcements.html.
A working meeting was held after the signing ceremony where officers from the ORO and delegates from the BAAS discussed and exchanged information on their respective bankruptcy framework and practice.
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Miss Shirley Lau, Deputy Secretary for the Civil Service (3) of the Civil Service Bureau and the staff side representatives from the four Central Staff Consultative Councils visited ORO office in QGO in the morning of 29 November 2023 and distributed leaflets to encourage colleagues to vote at the District Council (DC) election. ORO colleagues welcomed the visit and were encouraged to vote on polling day.
The Restructuring and Insolvency Faculty (RIF) Cocktail Reception 2023, which was hosted by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, was held on 23 November 2023. Ms. Phyllis McKenna (the photo at the left), Official Receiver, was pictured with RIF members and other guests from regulatory authorities, and gave a speech as guest of honour at the reception.
At The Ombudsman’s Awards Presentation Ceremony held on 15 November 2023, Mr. Michael Cheung, Chief Insolvency Officer (Compliance and Regulatory), was commended and granted an individual award under the Ombudsman Award for Officers of Public Organisations in recognition of his professional and excellent service. The Award was a testament to Mr. Cheung's exceptional skills in conflict resolution, effective communication, and problem-solving. His unwavering commitment to excellence and his ability to address the needs and concerns of our stakeholders had earned him this well-deserved recognition.
Ms. Phyllis McKenna (first row, second left), Official Receiver, and Mr. Ronald Fu (third row, fifth right), Assistant Official Receiver (Case Management) attended the IAIR Conference held in Serbia with other delegates from insolvency regulator of different jurisdictions. The theme of the conference was “Digitalization/IT Developments in the Insolvency World”.
The event was attended by Ms Lillian Chow, Assistant Official Receiver (Legal Services)2, Ms Maureen Chan, Assistant Principal Solicitor (ACW)2, Mr Patrick Chan, Senior Insolvency Officer (C)1 and Mr Alva Lam, Senior Insolvency Officer (G)1. Ms Chow also spoke at the INSOL/World Bank Legislative and Regulatory Colloquium, where she updated the delegates on the recent Hong Kong developments.
The Official Receiver’s Office had been awarded the Gold Award at the “Privacy-Friendly Awards 2023” Presentation Ceremony organised by The Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data on 31 August 2023. This Award signified our collective dedication and commitment to privacy and data protection.
Mr. Ronald Fu, Assistant Official Receiver (Case Management) gave an interview in August 2023 to a Mainland media, the China Newsweek, about Hong Kong’s bankruptcy regime and experience, as well as the implementation of statutory duties in relation to personal bankruptcy. The article is published on the 1106th Issue of China Newsweek dated 28 August 2023 (http://www.inewsweek.cn/society/2023-08-28/19589.shtml).
Invited by the Bankruptcy Affairs Administration of Shenzhen Municipality, Mr. Ronald Fu, Assistant Official Receiver (Case Management), and Ms. Mabel Yuen, Assistant Principal Solicitor (Advisory & Court Work) 1 went to Shenzhen to join the training event for bankruptcy administrators of the Shenzhen Municipality in 2023. During the event, Mr. Fu and Ms. Yuen gave a thematic presentation on Hong Kong’s personal bankruptcy regime and the role of the Official Receiver’s Office, as well as answered questions and exchanged ideas with other participants in the discussion session.
On 28 April 2023, a delegation from the Guangdong Association of Bankruptcy Administrators, headed by its Chairman, Mr. Zhu Zhengfu, visited ORO and exchanged ideas with senior management on a number of topics relating to the administration of insolvency cases and the role of private insolvency practitioners.
Ms. Phyllis McKenna, Official Receiver, moderated the IAIR Webinar together with other panelists from Chile, Canada, India and Australia on the opportunities and challenges relating to education and awareness in providing information to debtors to inform decision making.
On 21 April 2023, a delegation from the Bankruptcy Affairs Administration of Shenzhen Municipality, headed by its Deputy Director, Mr. HU Jingshu, visited ORO and engaged in a very fruitful exchange of ideas and discussed various topics relating to the administration of insolvency cases and the monitoring and regulating of private insolvency practitioners.
Ms Phyllis McKenna (second from the left), Official Receiver, was pictured with other participants of the INSOL International New Delhi Seminar held in India, where she provided a Hong Kong perspective on the panel discussion of the development of an insolvency profession in India.
Mr. Ronald Fu, Assistant Official Receiver (Case Management), was commended and granted an individual award under the Ombudsman’s Awards 2022 at the Presentation Ceremony of The Ombudsman’s Awards held on 16 November 2022, together with 60 other public officers who won the same award. With his professional and excellent service, Mr. Fu has earned recognition from the general public, the Official Receiver, colleague’s and the Ombudsman Office alike.
Mr. Ronald Fu (third row, ninth left), Assistant Official Receiver (Case Management), and Ms Ewan Wong (second row, first left), Senior Solicitor attended the IAIR Conference in the United Kingdom with other delegates from insolvency regulator of different jurisdictions. The theme of the conference was “Post COVID – Recovery & Renewal in the Insolvency Profession”.
Ms. Teresa Yau (left) and Mr. Leo Yuen (right) of the Official Receiver’s Office shared at the webinar the Office’s experience in relation to disqualification of directors and prosecution of insolvency offences. The webinar was moderated by Ms. Rosenna Mak (centre), RIFEC Member Services Sub-committee member of the Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Accountants.
Ms. Phyllis McKenna, Official Receiver, shared at the IAIR Webinar together with other panelists from Australia, Canada, and India on the observations of insolvency trends among different jurisdictions under the COVID-19 pandemic and their strategies for dealing with the trends.
Ms. Phyllis McKenna, Official Receiver, shared on the Official Receiver’s Office response to COVID-19 at the Webinar held by the INSOL International & World Bank Group.
Mr. Ronald FU Kam-wong, Assistant Official Receiver (Case Management) (right) receives the “Privacy-Friendly Awards 2021” Silver Certificate from Ms. Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong (left), on behalf of the ORO.
Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Mr. Christopher Hui (third right) inspects the public enquiry counters at the Official Receiver’s Office.
The Third International Seminar on Market-Orientated Bankruptcy Law Reform was held at Shenzhen. Ms. Phyllis McKenna, Official Receiver, was pictured with other speakers, including Honorable Mr. Justice Harris at the Seminar.
Ms. Phyllis McKenna, the Official Receiver (right) and Mr. Richard Monds (left), Director of Insolvency, Northern Ireland Insolvency Service, at the IAIR Annual Conference 2019.
Ms. Phyllis McKenna, Official Receiver, speaking at the Greater China Restructuring Forum 2019 hosted by the Company and Insolvency Law Society.
Ms. Phyllis McKenna, Official Receiver joined as a member of the Panel in the Discussion Session at the Global Restructuring Review Live 2017.
At a Conference on Insolvency Law and Practice held by the Hong Kong Academy of Law, Ms. Phyllis McKenna, Official Receiver, pictured with other speakers at the Conference.